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actos bladder cancer lawsuit

Actos Bladder Cancer Award

Jury Delivers $155K Verdict in Actos Bladder Cancer Suit, Finds Takeda Destroyed Evidence

A product liability lawsuit filed over bladder cancer side effects of Actos results in yet another plaintiff win.

A West Virginia jury has awarded a retired bakery worker $155,000 in an Actos bladder cancer lawsuit, finding that the maker of the controversial diabetes drug, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, destroyed evidence necessary for the plaintiff to prove that side effects of Actos caused him to develop bladder cancer. The case is the latest in a series of Actos lawsuits filed against Takeda over allegations that the drug company failed to warn consumers and healthcare providers about the risk of bladder cancer linked to Actos. In the Actos lawsuit recently filed by Richard Myers, it was also alleged that Takeda Pharmaceuticals intentionally destroyed documents regarding the alleged link between Actos and bladder cancer side effects.

Plaintiff Verdicts in Actos Cancer Complaints

Concerns about a potential connection between the use of Actos and bladder cancer complications were first raised in 2010, at which point thousands of drug injury lawsuits were filed across the country, on behalf of former Actos users who were diagnosed with bladder cancer or other injuries. In the eighth Actos case to go to before a jury, and the fifth resulting in a verdict for the plaintiff, the West Virginia jury found that Takeda failed to preserve important evidence regarding the potential connection between Richard Myers’ Actos use and his bladder cancer diagnosis, awarding the former bakery worker compensatory damages in the amount of $155,000.

Actos Bladder Cancer Lawsuits

In addition to Actos bladder cancer complaints pending in various state courts across the country, Takeda Pharmaceuticals faces more than 3,500 Actos lawsuits that have been consolidated before U.S. District Judge Rebecca Doherty in the Western District of Louisiana, as part of an MDL (multidistrict litigation). All of the Actos complaints raise similar allegations that Takeda withheld important information about the potential link between Actos and bladder cancer side effects, with many also accusing the drug maker of acting in bad faith and failing to preserve critical documents relevant to the Actos bladder cancer cases, even though Takeda was aware of pending litigation.

Contact a Reputable Actos Bladder Cancer Attorney

As more information comes to light about the alleged link between Actos and bladder cancer, Actos lawyers throughout the United States are investigating claims filed on behalf of former Actos users who have been diagnosed with the potentially deadly disease. If you believe you have been adversely affected by side effects of Actos, such as bladder cancer, our consumer advocates at the Leading Justice can help. We are committed to protecting the rights of consumers harmed by side effects of dangerous pharmaceutical drugs, and can help put you in touch with a knowledgeable product liability lawyer who has experience handling Actos bladder cancer claims.

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