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Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Claims

SJS Lawsuits Continue to Be Filed Over Potentially Fatal Reactions to Medications

An allergic reaction to certain medications can result in SJS side effects, in which large areas of the skin die and slough off in sheets.

As more information comes to light about the risk of the potentially life-threatening skin disorder Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), and its connection to certain pharmaceutical drugs, product liability lawyers are investigating claims brought on behalf of consumers across the country who believe they have suffered SJS side effects from a defective drug. SJS is a severe disorder that affects the skin and mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes, possibly leading to devastating complications like cellulitis, sepsis, blindness, eye problems, permanent skin damage and damage to internal organs. If you believe you have been adversely affected by SJS side effects of a pharmaceutical drug, contact a knowledgeable SJS drug injury lawyer today to explore your possible compensation options.

What is Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is rare but life-threatening skin disorder characterized by significant cell death that causes large areas of skin to slough off the body in sheets. Also known as Erythema Multiforme, Leyll’s Syndrome, and in its advanced stages, toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), Stevens-Johnson syndrome typically begins with a red or purplish rash that spreads across the body, and can lead to severe blistering, peeling and open sores. In most cases, the telltale rash most commonly associated with SJS isn’t diagnosed in time, and the skin disorder becomes life-threatening within days of the first symptoms appearing.

Signs & Symptoms of SJS

The beginning stages of Stevens-Johnson syndrome typically include flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, fever, sore throat or cough, but the skin disorder progresses quickly, and eventually leads to the top layer of the affected skin dying and beginning to shed. The most common symptoms of SJS include the following:

  • Tongue swelling
  • Facial swelling
  • Severe hives
  • Skin pain
  • Severe shedding of skin
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Severe burning sensation of the skin
  • Blisters on the nose, mouth, eyes or genital areas
  • Severe red or purplish rash that spreads

Although the early symptoms of Stevens-Johnson syndrome are mild, the skin disorder progresses rapidly, and within days (or even hours or minutes), the flu-like symptoms associated with SJS can turn into skin lesions, blisters and respiratory infection. Unfortunately, Stevens-Johnson syndrome results in death in 5% to 15% of cases.

Contact an SJS Drug Injury Lawyer Today

While doctors are unable to determine the cause of SJS side effects in some cases, the most common cause of Stevens-Johnson syndrome is an allergic reaction to a prescription or over-the-counter medication, including widely used pharmaceutical drugs like Advil, Motrin, Cipro, Avelox, Fentanyl or Ibuprofen. If you used a pharmaceutical drug, and you have since been diagnosed with Stevens-Johnson syndrome or another serious medication side effect, our consumer advocates at the Leading Justice can help. We are committed to protecting the rights of consumers harmed by dangerous medications, and can help put you in touch with a qualified attorney who has experienced handling Stevens-Johnson syndrome claims.

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