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Vaginal Mesh Settlement

AMS Reaches Agreement to Settle Nearly All Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

Thousands of vaginal mesh lawsuits involving painful and debilitating injuries have been settled by American Medical Systems.

Endo International has released a statement indicating that “substantially all” of the transvaginal mesh lawsuits pending against its American Medical Systems (AMS) unit have been settled by the medical device maker. Serious concerns have been raised in recent years about the safety of vaginal mesh implants, and tens of thousands of women across the country were pursuing product liabilty lawsuits against AMS after experiencing painful and debilitating problems like infection, erosion of the mesh through the vagina, and migration of the mesh to other parts of the body. If you received a surgical mesh implant in the past, and you have since suffered infection, mesh erosion, or another major mesh side effect, contact an experienced vaginal mesh injury lawyer today for legal help.

Transvaginal Mesh Settlements

Earlier this year, Endo International announced that the company had reached agreements to settle more than 22,000 AMS vaginal mesh cases for $830 million, which still left thousands of transvaginal mesh claims unresolved. On September 30, the medical device maker issued a press release indicating that an AMS mesh settlement has been reached with several large groups of plaintiffs in the transvaginal mesh litigation, resolving nearly all of the remaining mesh cases pending against the company. In the press release, Endo noted that it has already paid out $200 million in mesh settlements, and expects the total for all cases in its AMS mesh litigation to cost roughly $1.6 billion.

Potential Side Effects of Vaginal Mesh

Transvaginal mesh is a synthetic medical device commonly used to strengthen or support weakened pelvic floor muscles in women suffering from pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or stress urinary incontinence (SUI), caused by either childbirth, aging or trauma. Despite the continued use of surgical mesh devices by doctors across the country, major concerns have been raised recently about the safety of vaginal mesh, as women continue to report serious injuries from transvaginal mesh, including infection, pain during intercourse, mesh erosion, infection, mesh migration, and recurrence of POP or SUI.

Contact an Experienced Surgical Mesh Attorney

According to Endo, its substantial mesh settlement agreement is not an admission of liability or fault, but the company did note that it will invest in the education of doctors and patients regarding the benefits and risks of transvaginal mesh products, and will continue to invest in surgical mesh clinical trials in the future. If you believe you have been adversely affected by side effects of vaginal mesh, our consumer advocates at the Leading Justice can help. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of consumers harmed by dangerous medical devices, and can help put you in touch with a knowledgeable attorney who has experience handling surgical mesh claims.

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