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Mirena IUD and Breast Cancer

Side Effects of Mirena IUD May Be Linked to Increased Risk of Breast Cancer

Women implanted with the Mirena IUD device may have a 20% higher risk of developing breast cancer side effects. Contact a Mirena IUD lawyer today for legal help.

The findings of a new study indicate that complications of intrauterine (IUD) birth control devices, like Bayer’s Mirena IUD, may increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer side effects. In the study, Finnish researchers reported that, while Mirena and other IUD devices that release the progestin levonorgestrel do appear to protect women against some types of cancer, those who use the implant to treat heavy menstrual cycles may face an increased risk of breast cancer complications. If you received a Mirena IUD implant, and you have since been diagnosed with breast cancer or another major medication side effect, our consumer advocates can help put you in touch with a knowledgeable attorney who has experience handling Mirena IUD injury cases.

Mirena Breast Cancer Complications

Mirena is an intrauterine device that is implanted into the uterus to provide long-term birth control protection against pregnancy using levonorgestrel, a second-generation progestin commonly used in oral contraceptives and other birth control products. In the study, researchers examined data on women between the ages of 30 and 49, who used levonorgestrel-containing IUDs from 1994 to 2007, to manage symptoms of menorrhagia, a condition characterized by abnormally heavy and long-lasting menstrual cycles. The researchers identified 2,781 cases of cancer among women using a levonorgestrel IUD, and, while the risk of some types of cancer dropped significantly among these women, they saw a nearly 20% increase in their risk of developing breast cancer.

Potential Side Effects of Mirena IUD

“Using the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system for treatment of menorrhagia during reproductive years was associated with a lower incidence of endometrial, ovarian, pancreatic, and lung cancers than expected,” the researchers wrote. However, they found at the same time that “levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system use was associated with a higher than expected incidence of breast cancer.” In addition to breast cancer, the Mirena IUD has been linked to number of other potential complications, including migration of the device to other parts of the body, perforation of the uterus, damage to internal organs, vaginal hemorrhage and infection.

Contact an Experienced Mirena Lawyer Today

Mirena is the most widely-used intrauterine device in the United States, but serious concerns have been raised recently about the safety of the implant. In fact, Bayer currently faces several thousand Mirena lawsuits pending in courts throughout the country, involving allegations that the drug company failed to provide adequate warnings about the possible side effects of the IUD birth control device. Most of the complaints involve women who suffered major internal injuries after their Mirena IUD migrated out of place, resulting in perforation of the uterus and other serious complications. If you believe you have been adversely affected by side effects of Mirena IUD, contact a reputable product liability lawyer today to discuss your legal options.

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