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Da Vinci Robot Lawsuit

GA Woman Files da Vinci Surgical System Lawsuit Over Life-Threatening Injuries

A product liability lawsuit has been filed against Intuitive Surgical over serious injuries tied to its da Vinci surgical robot.

A Georgia woman and her husband have filed a lawsuit against Intuitive Surgical over life-threatening injuries she sustained following a hysterectomy procedure with the firm’s da Vinci surgical robot. According to her complaint, the plaintiff was forced to undergo invasive emergency surgery to correct the complications she alleges were caused by the controversial da Vinci Surgical System, which has been touted by Intuitive Surgical as “the most advanced technology available today.” If you or a loved one has suffered da Vinci surgical robot injuries requiring corrective surgery or long-term medical care, our consumer advocates at the Leading Justice can help. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of consumers harmed by dangerous medical devices, and can help put you in contact with an attorney who has experience handling da Vinci robotic surgery cases.

Injuries Linked to da Vinci Surgical Robot

In her product liability lawsuit, the plaintiff states that she underwent a robotic hysterectomy and left salpingectomy in February 2013, at a hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She was 36 at the time of the robotic surgery, and was suffering from complete uterine procidentia, a condition that requires a hysterectomy to be performed. Following the surgery with Intuitive Surgical’s da Vinci robot, the plaintiff suffered from severe vaginal bleeding, and less than a week after the initial hysterectomy, underwent a procedure in which doctors found and repaired a surgical complication affecting the right half of the vaginal cuff. As a result of the surgical injury, the plaintiff reportedly continues to experience severe pain and requires considerable medical treatment.

Complications of Robotic Surgery

Despite Intutive Surgical’s superiority claims regarding its da Vinci device, the product has been linked to life-threatening complications like excessive bleeding, surgical burns, intestinal tears and uterine lacerations. The plaintiff’s complaint accuses Intuitive Surgical of manufacturing a defective device and selling the product “through a calculated program of intimidation and market management, forcing hospitals and physicians to purchase it in order to appear competitive, and creating fear in their minds if they did not have this technology, they would lose business to competitors.” She is seeking compensation for a number of claims, including negligence, breach of express warranty, breach of implied warranty, products liability, unjust enrichment, lack of informed consent and loss of consortium.

Contact a da Vinci Robotic Surgery Lawyer Today

The da Vinci robot has been promoted as a medical product that allows for less invasive surgical procedures, and is commonly used in hospitals to perform hysterectomies and other gynecological surgeries, despite the risk of serious injury linked to the device. According to a study published in the Journal for Healthcare Quality in August 2013, thousands of injuries associated with da Vinci robotic surgery were reported to the FDA between January 2000 and August 2012, including 71 deaths related to the controversial surgical robot. If you underwent robotic surgery with da Vinci, and you have suffered from life-threatening injuries like surgical burns or excessive bleeding, contact a reputable da Vinci surgery attorney today to discuss your legal options.

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