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OxyElite Recall

OxyElite Weight Loss Products Recalled Over Risk of Life-Threatening Liver Injury

Financial compensation may be available to consumers who used an OxyElite dietary supplement and have since suffered from liver damage or liver failure side effects.

Product liability lawyers throughout the country are investigating claims of life-threatening liver injury and acute hepatitis associated with OxyElite Pro dietary supplements, which were subjected to a product recall in November 2013. According to federal officials, a collection of OxyElite supplements manufactured by Texas-based USPlabs were tied to an outbreak of liver injuries in Hawaii and other states, and it is believed that the products may be adulterated, which means they fail to meet certain standards regarding strength, quality or purity. In the case of OxyElite Pro, the products were found to be adulterated because they contain the ingredient aegeline, which was not previously found in the food supply. This means there is no history of evidence suggesting that the ingredient is safe for human consumption. If you have been diagnosed with liver damage or liver failure, and you believe an OxyElite dietary supplement to be the cause, contact a reputable product liability lawyer to discuss your legal options.

Products Affected by OxyElite Pro Recall

Prior to issuing the OxyElite Pro recall in November 2013, USPlabs received a letter from the FDA asking the company to voluntary remove its products from the market, or face legal action aimed at halting distribution of the dietary supplements. Several days later, the drug company issued an OxyElite recall, and the following weight loss products were effectively removed from the market:

  • OxyElite Pro Ultra-Intense Thermo capsules
  • OxyElite Pro Super Thermo powder
  • OxyElite Pro Super Thermo capsules
  • Raspberry Lemonade OxyElite Pro Super Thermo powder

Although health officials are unsure why the recalled OxyElite dietary supplements, promoted as an aid to lose weight and build muscles, appear to be putting consumers at risk for life-threatening injury, it is believed that the side effect risk could be related to an ingredient, a contaminant or a production error affecting the supplements.

Injuries Tied to OxyElite Weight Loss Products

The FDA is in the process of investigating at least 56 cases of illnesses among consumers taking OxyElite Pro weight loss products. One death has been reported in connection with the recalled supplements, and several other former users are suffering from liver injury that will require a transplant. The injuries allegedly tied to the OxyElite weight loss products include the following:

  • Liver damage
  • Liver failure
  • Acute hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Wrongful Death

When a trend was discovered of otherwise healthy individuals developing life-threatening hepatitis, the FDA reviewed 46 patient records from the Hawaii Department of Health, and found that 58% of the affected patients reported taking an OxyElite weight loss product prior to becoming ill. The agency also found that 63% of these patients reported that OxyElite was the only dietary supplement they were taking at the time.

Contact an OxyElite Lawyer for Legal Help

As more information comes to light about the potential link between OxyElite weight loss products and life-threatening liver illness, attorneys throughout the country are investigating defective drug claims on behalf of individuals who believe they have been adversely affected by the recalled dietary supplements. If you or a loved one took an OxyElite supplement prior to suffering liver injury, cirrhosis or acute hepatitis, our consumer advocates at the Leading Justice can help. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of consumers harmed by Big Pharma, and we can help put you in touch with a reputable product liability lawyer who has experience handling OxyElite liver injury claims. With a qualified attorney on your side, you may be able to pursue financial compensation for your injuries and medical expenses, by filing a product liability lawsuit against drug maker USPlabs.

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