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Mesothelioma Jury Award

$7.7 Million Awarded to School Bus Driver in Mesothelioma Wrongful Death Suit

Yet another mesothelioma lawsuit has been decided in favor of the plaintiff, who in this case was exposed to asbestos while working as a bus driver in New York.

A New York jury has awarded $7.7 million in damages to the family of a school bus driver who died from mesothelioma, finding that he developed the deadly cancer after being exposed to asbestos used in gaskets, brakes, clutches and other bus parts. The mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit was brought by the family of Lewis Nash, who died from the lung cancer in September 2012, at the age of 81. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you believe on-the-job asbestos exposure to be the cause, our consumer advocates at the Leading Justice can help. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of consumers harmed at work, and can help put you in touch with a reputable mesothelioma lawyer today.

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare but deadly form of cancer affecting the protective lining that surrounds many of the body’s internal organs, including the lungs, and the only known cause of the disease is exposure to asbestos dust or fibers. In some cases, secondary exposure to asbestos may result in mesothelioma being diagnosed in children, spouses and other family members, when they breathe in asbestos fibers brought home in the hair or on the clothing of workers exposed to asbestos on the job. Unfortunately, because mesothelioma typically isn’t diagnosed until it’s at a very advanced stage, the disease is associated with a very short life-expectancy.

Asbestos Exposure from Brakes, Gaskets

According to allegations raised in the Nash’s mesothelioma lawsuit, filed against Navistar Inc., the company that sold school buses to the district where Lewis Nash worked, he was regularly present in the garage where the school buses were being worked on, where he was exposed to asbestos dust from the brakes, gaskets and other asbestos-containing bus parts. After reviewing the evidence presented at trial, the Syracuse jury determined that Navistar was responsible for Nash’s mesothelioma diagnosis and death, and ordered the company to pay the Nash family $7.7 million in damages, which is believed to be the largest asbestos verdict in Syracuse history.

Contact a Skilled Mesothelioma Attorney Today

Asbestos exposure is the longest-running mass tort in the history of the United States, with more than 600,000 plaintiffs pursuing claims against more than 6,000 defendants, after being diagnosed with mesothelioma or other life-threatening diseases caused by exposure to asbestos, like asbestosis and lung cancer. If you were exposed to asbestos on the job, and you have since been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, contact a qualified occupational disease attorney today to discuss your legal options. With an experienced asbestos exposure lawyer on your side, you can protect your legal rights and pursue the financial compensation you deserve for your mesothelioma cancer.

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